What Baseball Ages play Teenage?

  • Ages 13-16


How do I determine my child's Baseball Age?
  • The league age determination date is the age a player has attained as of a specific date (August 31st of the current year), for the purpose of placing the player in a particular Division.  As of 2020 the date in Divisions of Little League Baseball is as follows:


Image result for 2020 little league age chart



What is Summer 2020 Teenage all about?

  • Based on AHS and Alberta Little League Guidelines, Fish Creek Little League will be able to off a Teenage Interlock House League Program.  In following these guidelines, our games will be played within a cohort system.
  • For more details on Interlock, please CLICK HERE.


Details on Cohorts:

  • The 50-person cohort rules applies to players AND coaches within the group.
  • Players and coaches must remain part of the same cohort for the entire season and may not be part of multiple cohorts.  This means that if a coach wants to coach multiple teams (as many due) they may only pick one to be their cohort where they can break the physical distancing rule (without a mask).
  • If a Division has more than 50 players and coaches, they will need to be divided in groups of no more than 50 and only play against teams/players from their own group.
  • Physical distancing within a cohort will not need to be maintained during game play (essentially, they will be able to play games as they normally would).
  • Physical distancing will need to be maintained when note playing (i.e in dugouts/on benches).
  • Separation from spectators and good hygiene practices will be in effect.


Details on League Play and Team Formation?

  • This Division will follow the official 2020 Little League Baseball Rules and Regulations.
  • There may be some modified rules (such as no leading off and no balks) however nothing has been finalized or made official as of yet.
  • There will not be an evaluation process for this summer season.
  • Due to the time restraint, teams will be formed utilizing league knowledge (Coach, Director and VP from the previous year) and last years evaluation numbers.
  • **Team sizes and number of teams in each cohort are subject to change based on registration numbers, City, Provincial and AHS Guidelines.**
  • We are very fortunate to be offering this Summer Baseball Program.  We sincerely appreciate your understanding and support with the program we will have.


What is the cost of Teenage?

  • The cost is $325.


How often do they play?

  • 2-3 games scheduled per week plus 1 practice per week.


What times do they play?

  • Games generally start at 6:30 pm  with a modified rule for this year of a 2 hour time limit.


How long is the Season?

  • Season will hopefully start by July 13th and run through to the end of August with playoffs.
    • **All dates mentioned above are subject to change.**


What are the diamond locations?

  • Teenage Division is Interlocked with District 8, therefore diamond locations will vary.


What equipment is included in the registration fees?  What equipment do the parents/guardians need to provide?

  • Fish Creek Little League will supply each team a set of jerseys, and a few Team Bats for the season.
  • Each player MUST have their own batting helmet (for hygiene purposes).
  • Each player will be expected to have white baseball pants, their own ball glove and athletic cup/jill.


What if I can’t afford the registration fees?

  • Under the Little League charter, no child may be excluded from play based on inability to pay.
  • Subsidies are available through an application on Kidsport:
  • For those families registering through Kidsport, to complete the registration process, please contact our Registrar at:


What is the refund policy?

  • Withdraw prior to June 23rd, 2020:
    • Registration fees less a $25 administration fee will be refunded
  • Withdraw after June 23rd, 2020:
    • No Refunds


I want to coach or volunteer, how do I go about doing this?

  • Please indicate on your child’s registration that you would like to coach or volunteer.
  • To apply to coach or volunteer please complete the steps required in our Coach Registration which can be found at:
  • You can also email your interest to the Safety Officer at:


Should you not be able to locate an answer to your questions please do not hesitate to contact our Registrar at:


NOTE: This information is specific to our league and may change at any time.