What are the different Divisions for registration?
- T-Ball - Ages 4 - 6
- Coach Pitch - Ages 6 - 8
- Minors - Ages 8 - 10
- Majors - Ages 11 - 12
- Teenage Divisions:
- Intermediate - Ages 13
- Junior - Ages 13 - 14
- Senior - Ages 14 - 16
**For more specific information pertaining to the different Divisions noted above, please click on the Division noted on the drop down menu of this page.**
Should you not be able to locate an answer to your questions please do not hesitate to contact our Registrar at: registrar@fcll.ca.
NOTE: This information is specific to our league and may change at any time

Fish Creek Little League
PO Box 11054, Seton RPO
Calgary, AB T3M 1Y6
E: registrar@fcll.ca
T: (403) 278-0030