2020 Coaching Education Clinics
Once again this season, Little League Alberta District 3 & 8 will be co-hosting the Teaching for Tomorrow Coaching Education Clinics with Coach Jesse Sawyer facilitating.
Below are details on the clinics:
DATE: Sunday, April 19th
LOCATION: William Aberhart High School (3009 Morley Trail NW)
Clinics will be facilitated by: Jesse Sawyer
(Head Coach, WCBL Lethbridge Bulls,Head Coach, PBA Junior Varsity Team, Played with Team Canada in the 2001 Little League World Series for Calgary West Little League)
For those coaching 4 to 7 year olds
9:00am to 12:00pm
Registration starts at 8:30am
For those coaching 8 to 12 year olds
1:00pm to 4:00pm
Registration starts at 12:30pm
Coaches must wear running shoes and bring their own baseball gloves. Please also bring a notepad and pen to take notes.
** No cost to attend the clinics **
**No need to register in advance for clinics **