FCLL Families,

Fish Creek Little League will be holding its Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Sunday, September 20th. The meeting is open to all regular members including parents and volunteers, and will include updates from the FCLL as well as the election of the Executive. This years meeting will be held virtually and PRE-REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED. We will be drawing for two (2) complimentary registrations for the 2021 season for from those in attendance. Additional details are as follows:

  • Date:  Sunday, September 20, 2020
  • Time:  7:30pm
  • Location:  Virtually via Microsoft Teams
  • Registration:  CLICK HERE
    • **Registration closes on September 18**


Meeting Agenda

  • Introduction & Welcome
  • President’s Report
  • Treasurer’s Report
  • VP Reports
  • Questions & Answers
  • Election of Executive Committee
  • Draw Prizes
  • Adjournment


** All FCLL parents and volunteers are invited and encouraged to attend. **


As per our bylaws, all elected positions are open for election/re-election every year at the AGM.  These positions are as follows:

  • Executive Directors (3 positions)
  • President
  • Vice President, T-Ball & Coach Pitch
  • Vice President, Minors & Majors
  • Vice President, Teenage
  • Treasurer
  • Player Agent – VP, Player & Coach Development
  • Umpire in Chief – VP, Officiating


We are always recruiting for other volunteer positions to help support the league. Current openings (subject to change) include:

  • Majors Division Director
  • Volunteer Director


Please let us know if you are interested in running for a position on the board or for one of the many volunteer positions that are critical for the operation of our league.  You can email our Registrar at: registrar@fcll.ca


Thank you!

Mustang Randall